Conversation Between B0LSHEVIK and WeAreReborn

  1. WeAreReborn
    Oh I see. Really depends, is it dogmatic? Not that I necessarily oppose dogma but if it is I want it to be closely related to my ideas. Is it purely political action or street action, meaning propaganda and maybe violence? Sorry for the questions but if it is in real life I need to be informed. Also I suggest making a group on RevLeft to better organize.
    Oh really? Fuck. Check out the conversation between me and Political Chucky.
  3. WeAreReborn
    Link doesn't work..
    What up comrade. Check this conversation out, let me know if you're down:
  5. WeAreReborn
    No I am much closer to San Diego.
    Hey comrade, thx for the feedback!

    In Los Angeles here, you?
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