Conversation Between Marsella and The Feral Underclass

  1. I hate women, so we're equal! xx
  2. Hey TAT.

    Just wanted to apologize for the 'fat thread.'

    Of course, I don't hate fat people. I agree completely with what you said - we should feel happy about our bodies regardless of what anyone tells us, otherwise we won't be able to enjoy our bodies!

    And I don't think you're fat anyhow. <.<

    You're a beautiful, handsome person. Your face is so expressive and full of life which makes you far more attractive than any Calvin Klein model. And, of course, you have a beautiful, irreverent personality. You're unique and that's what makes you so likable.

    I would never intend to judge someone based purely on the amount of fat on their body, or any other attribute! How could I when I wouldn't want the same treatment?

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and that sometimes I post stupid stuff in a self-destructive "let's see what boundaries I can push" kind of moment.

    So yeah.
  3. Oh. And me and you should like totally snort some coke some time.

    But oh noes! People are having a bad influence on me!
  4. I second that.

    That's not at all the same as me refusing to participate in a tiresome discussion with someone I find to be the most contemptible user on this forum. You're a total and utter prick on every level. You have no redeemable quality as far as I'm concerned. Why would I want to have a discussion with you? I don't like you.

    That made me lol.
  5. TAT. I love you. I think we are soul partners.

    xxx ooo
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