Conversation Between Andropov and Rational Radical

  1. Andropov
    If the shoe fits.
    There are more than enough threads on here discussing Stalin, id actually hazard a guess that there are hundreds throughout the years so if you really are sincere about understanding a Marxist-Leninist position with regards to Stalin I suggest you read them.
    I could also point you to some good resources, that is of course if you really are interested and not just looking for a flame war.
  2. Rational Radical
    How is me pointing out the Stalinist anti-socialist actions "a sensationalist hyperbole?" There are no "material conditions" to justify this dictator and his bureaucrats abuse of power and open hostility to anything socialist/communist/anarchist as pointed out by history. What's your justification for such policies? For all the rhetoric about the working class stalinists sure rely on a few people which is antithetical to what socialism is. But I'll stop judging, go ahead.
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