Conversation Between Zoroaster and Blake's Baby

  1. Zoroaster
    I am a member of the "Left Communist" group. And thank you for pointing that out.
  2. Blake's Baby
    Both the ICC ('Internationalism') and the ICT ('Internationalist Notes') have people in the US. 'Insurgent Notes' is US-based, and one of the ICP groups has US comrades (I've been told; though whether this is actually sympathisers rather than members I'm not sure).

    Are you a member of the 'Left Communists' tendency/group here? If you are, there's a list of orgs that publish in English - any American groups I know about will be there.
  3. Zoroaster
    Do you know of any left communist organizations in the United States?
  4. Zoroaster
    Ok, thanks.
  5. Blake's Baby
    The best way to get info on Bilan is to ask the ICC. They've published the most from the group, and regard themselves as its political heirs. Go to and put 'bilan' into the search box in the top right - that should give you a wealth of material by, and about, Bilan.
  6. Zoroaster
    I've been recently trying to find information on the Italian Communist newspaper "Bilan", but I haven't found anything. Do you know of any links or anything regarding information on it?
  7. Zoroaster
    Oh, I'd didn't mean to equate all left communists with Bordigists.
  8. Blake's Baby
    Err... you didn't. If anyone did, it was definitely me. Sorry. I thought I was being funny, perhaps I wasn't. It just seems you equate the Communist Left with Bordigism, when the vast majority of Left Comms I know aren't Bordigists, they're either from the PCInt and its fellow-groups (like the CWO) in the ICT (the Birdigists split from them in 1952), or they're from the ICC which descends from the Bilan group.
  9. Zoroaster
    Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude.
  10. Blake's Baby

    To quote, paraphrase and expound on what I said earlier in this conversation...

    In the Italian Left there were three main currents - those around Bordiga, Damen and magazine Bilan. The ICT is descended from the group around Onorato Damen. They certainly support some of Bordiga's positions, but they aren't Bordigists.

    What is it with you and the Bordigists? They're probably the smallest and least relevant (outside of Italy) of all the Left Communist currents, and that includes the Council Communists who effectively don't exist any more. There are literally about 6 proper Bordigists in the English-speaking world. .

    The fact that Remus Bleys is on one-man multi-media Invariant Crusades shouldn't blind you to the fact that the Bordigists are tiny in the non-Italian-speaking parts of the world, and in Italy, they're so crisis-ridden that there are currently about 5 'International Communist Parties'.
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