Conversation Between B0LSHEVIK and NoOneIsIllegal

    'All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others....'

    Twisted irony to that quote huh?
  2. NoOneIsIllegal
    Just because our economic development is different doesn't mean our class is different. A lot of people slave away for the bare minimum in those countries, and I do as well over here. Sure, western countries have implemented laws where it may not seem like we're still wage-slaves, but these laws, such as guarantees to a breaks or lunches, union rights, etc. are meant to satisfy the working masses just enough that there isn't constant rebellion (such as there once was...) I live hand-to-mouth, and work for a living. Just because I'm better off than the proletariat of another country doesn't change my position into part of the ruling class. All labor is exploited. I don't understand your understanding of classes. The impression you've given is that western societies have developed their capitalism faster, thus somehow equaling total bourgeoisie populations? I don't get it...
    Dont be silly!!!

    Of course our relation to capital is that of labor. But that doesnt give due justice to our class.

    How many kids in northern Guatemala, eastern Libya, or downtown Kabul are having these kind of cyber debates in their homes tonight?

    The 1st world is only a tiny fraction of mankind, like it or not, we are all not the same.
  4. NoOneIsIllegal
    BTW, making $12,000 a year is insanely bourgeois...right? My wealth is immense, as is my control over the means of production.
  5. NoOneIsIllegal
    I'm more bougie than you!!!!!111 You can never aspire to be a great capitalist like meh!
    I see, so you feel guilty about being bourgeois too?
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