Conversation Between Сталин and Jazzratt

  1. "a nationalist drone in a homophobic party" Wow, you're an inventive chap, aren't you? And homophobic? Let me ask you a quick, but important question; do you subscibe to the islamic faith?
  2. Jazzratt
    This from the guy who clearly hasn't read a fucking word of Marx or Lenin and yet claims to uphold their ideology. You're a laughable fuckhead with a pathetic grasp of politics. That's why you're a nationalist drone in a homophobic party. That you can even begin to accuse me of not understanding politics whilst upholding an hilarious caricature of Stalin and a 'marxist' position so revisionist as to be barely recognisable as such show what a deluded moron you are.

    I'd thank you to stop writing on my profile, at least not until you know shit about shit.
  3. You don't even know what you believe in. You're probably a kid going through hormone changes and therefore are full of... RAAAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!... so you come here and pretend to be something you don't even understand.
  4. Jazzratt
    Your politics are bollocks.
  5. You're really not one who should be judging me, you pathetic, mess of a person...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5