Conversation Between Sperm-Doll Setsuna and Guardia Rossa

  1. Oh, right. Thanks.
  2. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    1970 was the year he died. Generally he never wanted his name on anything because it distracted from the importance of what was being said and fostered personality cult; it talked about this in his will. In order to confuse he'd rarely sign things, just so one doesn't know if it was he or anyone else writing for the ICP.
  3. Source: «The texts of the Communist Left», No.5, «Revolution and Counterrevolution in Russia», Editions of the 'International Communist Party', p.10-32. The original Article appeared 1970 in «Il Programma Comunista».
  4. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    I dunno, I remember seeing that title somewhere but I don't recall reading it, though the title seems agreeable. Was it something from the 1920's?
  5. Do you know if the text "Why Russia isn't Socialist" was wrote by Bordiga or by a group of Bordigists? Are there any similar/complementing texts on the matter?
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