Conversation Between chegitz guevara and theAnarch

  1. chegitz guevara
    Did you ever join the SPUSA?
  2. hello
  3. chegitz guevara
    Hey comrade.
  4. chegitz guevara
    I wasn't part of that discussion. I agree, however, that GMO can be useful. The problem is how GMOs are used by capitalism.
  5. im confused by the SPUSA's agricultural policy on one point. Why this love for organics only farming? We need to abolition things like the "suicide gene" but in the hands of a state of workers and farmers GM crops can have many benifits.
  6. chegitz guevara
    I would have to agree.
  7. that and Trotsky's What is Fascism and How to Fight It are pretty much the bases for my view on fascism.
  8. chegitz guevara
    I have. I think it's the best book on fascism I've read.
  9. Have you ever read Fascism and Big Business by Daniel Guerin?
  10. chegitz guevara
    Okay, what I know is that we do not have any people in Atlanta. We have some people in Georgia, but I don't know where, maybe in the Atlanta suburbs.

    So, chances are, you'd be a lone member for a while. Given the posts you've made, I think you'd help strengthen the left wing of the organization, nationally, and there are commissions so you'd be able to play a part in the internal life of the Party.

    You should contact [email protected], our National Secretary, Greg Pason. He'll have more info on the Party in Georgia.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13