Conversation Between Comrade Rage and comrade stalin guevara

  1. How do we start a thread in anti revisionist-stalinist group?
  2. Comrade Rage
    I haven't heard of, but I trolled as 'Urban Bomber'
  3. whats your name on nationalist . org
  4. Yes maybe, if they dont change befor the revolution they will be forced to after it. I was a bit of a little gangster in my teens then a very good friend gave me a very good book ie; the political econermy of capitolisim, then it went from there. I guess it depends how deep rooted you are in that gangster mentality
  5. Yes what you say is true but they can change, most gangsters are trying to make there ghetto better if they knew there was socialisim or more the trurh of socialisim i say they may embrace it, after all it is/was capitolist who turn communitys into ghettos and men into gangsters.
  6. got to put the word to the street, there are many gangs in new zealand and i belive they are fighting the wrong cause, and hopefuly if any see my pics they might learn or join revleft to learn, a new revolutinary quote, Gangsters of the world unite
  7. Comrade Rage
    Why do you have bloodz and cripz in your album? Isn't that kind of hypocritical?
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