Conversation Between subham and Philosophical Materialist

  1. Philosophical Materialist
    Bourgeois feminism can be progressive. The historical campaigns for female suffrage within the bourgeois state were progressive compared with the alternative.

    Contemporary liberal feminism and radical feminism are not very progressive. Each are dominated with the concerns of mostly white middle-class women, who erroneously think they can speak for every woman in a mystical sense of 'sisterhood.' They seek to gain privileges for themselves by changing the laws of the bourgeois state, but their campaigns rarely affect non-white, working class women, transwomen, and colonial subjects.

    Marxist-Feminism and socialist feminism are progressive. The working class labour movement requires a female perspective as patriarchal assumptions are unfortunately sadly still present amongst some left-wingers. Revolutionary socialist feminists believe that tackling property relations can bring about female emancipation, and that true female liberation will only come in a genuinely socialist society.
  2. subham
    Hi! This is Subham from India! I'm curious to know why do you believe in Feminism? Do you think bourgeois Feminism progressive?
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