Conversation Between AnthArmo and Agnapostate

  1. Agnapostate
    It can be difficult. But the majority of readers aren't forum participants but unregistered spectators, and I've had several people register on forums just to thank me for putting up with nonsense longer than I should. And at least my skills are sharpened for when I can hopefully seek a larger audience. But thanks for the support.
  2. AnthArmo
    I read the argument you had with those right-wing nutcases. The one leading from that link you posted from that Human Nature thread. All I can say is, what on earth? You had logic, arguments, reasoning, statistics. What do you get in reply? "Lol, I'm guessing your in your 20 something". This shit pisses me off. You, for all intents and purposes, WON! that argument, they refused to answer you properly. Rather than giving you a proper refutation, they simply dismiss everything on the basis of "your not as old as us, go away". This sort of ad hominen really gets at me. Age is irrelevant, argument is all that matters. The fact that they would resort to that form of derogatory name calling proves that they simply had nothing but blind nationalism and propaganda backing them up.
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