Conversation Between Clarion and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Clarion
    Hi, sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

    Over time the contradictions of left-wing orthodoxy became too much for me. Everywhere the various far-left parties will insist in their esoteric theory documents that the state is the enemy of the working class and the instrument of the capitalists, yet will almost invariably proceed to adopt the most fiercely statist positions in their agitation.

    Their solution to almost every problem is to call on the state to act. At every stage they further working class dependence on the capitalist state. That's what I'm getting at when I talk about grassroots help groups, I'm talking about the working class becoming an active participant, not political beggars, about organising the class to deal with its own problems.
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    Grassroots community help groups: another way of saying solidarity networks? How did you come to accept this position, if you don't mind my asking?
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