Conversation Between Red Commissar and ComradeOm

  1. ComradeOm
    Cheers. I enjoy writing the things and just it sprung to mind when you mentioned Italy in that thread
  2. Red Commissar
    I read through your Papal States AAR on the paradox forums you linked in the gaming thread. It was very entertaining- I like the AARs that have historical discussions and background on things. It provides flavor, and one can see that when seeing other AARs which seem to be "I clicked this button, then this one" or a crude rehashing of what the game resulted in.
  3. Red Commissar
    Yeah, that and that spotlight thing they used to call batman.
  4. ComradeOm
    I really need a theme tune for threads like these. Thanks for the heads up, you've pretty much covered what I was going to say. Don't worry though - I'll waffle on about something anyway
  5. Red Commissar
    It seems we have Pipes coming out of the woodworks again
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