Conversation Between DecDoom and CELMX

  1. Hehe, don't worry. I'm testing different distributions of Linux on my computer (Linux is a different operating system).
  2. CELMX
    sorry, i'm not really familiar with computer shit...what's linux distros ?
  3. I'm doing well... I've been playing with some different linux distros on my computer, with varying degrees of success
  4. CELMX
    Pretty good, pretty good. Like Expropriate, I'm trudgin through Das Kapital...strange, when I first read it, it was hella boring. But now, after attempting it again, it's pretty great. I watched Tout Va Bien, and it was really boring. It should be a musical instead...that would be much cooler.
    How about you?
  5. Hey comrade, what's up? How have you been?
  6. Hey, thanks for the friend invite comrade!
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