Conversation Between DecDoom and Lyev

  1. I guess it's ironic then?
  2. Lyev
    Haha, it's good old Dave Cameron: the UK, conservative MP
  3. Just wondering, who is that in your avatar?
  4. Interesting, I'll have to look that up.
  5. Lyev
    I'm still trundling through Capital, it reads so slowly. I've started a rather interesting book called "The Shock Doctrine" about the evils of capitalist economics. It's by a woman called Naomi Klein, and whilst not from a radical perspective it's a jolly good read, I'd recommend it
  6. So, read any new books lately comrade?
  7. Nothing at the moment, I've had to focus more on schoolwork. What would you suggest?
  8. Lyev
    It is hard, but I've read a few books and whatnot explaining the key ideas of exchange-value, use-value, LTV, surplus value, composition of capital, variable and constant capital etc. etc. Some things on my reading list are: The Civil War in France, The German Ideology, The Poverty of Philosophy, (all by Marx) and a few of Trotskys works, a few of Luxemburg, a few philosophy books, like Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill and also Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman, just cos I wanna get a different perspective on things. There's loads more that I haven't mentioned , so yeah it's a lot to get through... what stuff are you reading at the moment?
  9. I've heard that's a hard read, what else is on your reading list?
  10. Lyev
    Not at all close, at the moment, it's a pathetic, tiny and underwhelming library. I'm trying to slowly slog my way through volume I of Capital at the moment, it's taking a while.
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