Conversation Between union6 and The Idler

  1. union6
    Well i suppose it depends on how you define 'revolutionary'. The simplest way of putting it is that a revolution seeks to replace the current ruling system with a new one, the SLP seeks to 'abolish Capitalism and replace it with a Socialist system whose institutions represent and are democratically controlled by and accountable to the people as a whole'. (
    Those who call Chavez and the PSUV revolutionary would call us revolutionary but i know many people dont consider them revolutionary and would then most probably not consider us revolutionary either.
    Yea its this symbol:
  2. The Idler
    What is revolutionary about the SLP? Does your profile picture contain an anarchist A?
  3. union6
    As in what are we up to at the moment? Nationally, Regionally?
  4. The Idler
    What's with the SLP?
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