Conversation Between Franz Fanonipants and bcbm

  1. bcbm
    drink a lot
  2. whats up dude i have pitched it all in and intend to just become a nihilist how should i proceed pls
  3. i mean i like benedict way better than jp ii but yeah basically organizationally its p. bunk.

    but for sure go w/it cus basically catholicism has been around so long that there's everything in it. read ecclesiastes every day.
  4. bcbm
    yeah i always thought catholicism got too bad of a rap philosophically, i mean the institution is pretty whack but a lot of the philosophy is interesting and super fatalist almost zenlike
  5. catholicism is the best one tbh, but i am biased. it is p. good at recognizing the ultimate absurdity of the human condition.
  6. bcbm
    well i'm a smoker and i drink a lot, so one more budding cancer can't do much to make it worse
  7. haha religious belief basically is like cancer that overrides any epistemological being
  8. bcbm
    critical thinking bums me out i need to find a good religion to submit to uncritically
  9. i mean its basically a failure of critical thinking bro. as a 19 year old you think reading like the manifesto means something and that there are Major Historical Forces. and then you grow up and realize that halfway reading some shit and then playing a lot of civilization is not actually a substitution for thinking.

  10. bcbm
    def seems more of a younger marxist thing when ur just like 'i read this book it sounded right so it must be fuckin a right' and then you get old and drink beer all the time and everything just sounds like regurgitated dog turds

    or maybe thats ust me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14