Conversation Between Rascolnikova and Plagueround

  1. Plagueround
    Awww. You have no idea how much I needed that right now.
  2. Rascolnikova
    Miss you.
  3. Rascolnikova
    Also, this is the perfect time to mention--the next May Day celebration is actually on the 16th, since I was hosting and got sick. . . you should totally come.
  4. Rascolnikova
    That would be awesome.

    I've missed seeing you around.
  5. Plagueround
    Also, since I actually make decent money now, I've been discussing flying to Utah sometime for some sort of something. Perhaps the next May Day celebration.
  6. Plagueround
    That last message sounds dismal, but seriously, I'm doing quite well. I like my new job and I don't expect much to come out of my case. At the very worse I'll have a small misdemeanor on my record that no one will ever care about. I'll discuss it more of course when it's all said and done.
  7. Plagueround
    I'm doing ok, although I think one of my ribs is cracked after I attempted to ask a cop a question and he replied with a knee to my chest.
  8. Rascolnikova
    Hope everything is going better now. . .
  9. Plagueround
    No offense taken. I was trying to be as rational and objective about the whole thing as possible, but it did still come off as a it of a condemnation, which I did not mean to do. I have no doubt you are doing a lot of good, but it is probably not an easy thing to do at all.
  10. Rascolnikova
    Hey. . . sorry I was a bit harsh in that cc thread. Nothing personal, I just. . . well, suffice it to say I'm a wee bit conflicted about my job.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17