Conversation Between Robocommie and Franz Fanonipants

  1. post-anime bruh.

  2. answer yo fone
  3. I don't know. About as bad as stopping genocide in Darfur with bracelets on college campuses, you ridiculous liberal.

  4. Robocommie
    How's that President Obama thing working out, you fucking liberal?
  5. hey dude the beastie boys didn't free tibet, as a ridiculous liberal, are you bummed.
  6. oh wait no i got one main

    you liked THE LAST AIRBENDER
  7. That's ruff main.

    (i don't have a folllow up joke)
  8. Robocommie
    Well first of all you have to stop being such an embarrassment to the left
  9. hey main when do i get to be a COMMITTED POSTER
  10. Robocommie
    You want that purple stuff?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 33