Conversation Between eric922 and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. Brosa Luxemburg
    I wanted to respond here as not to derail the "Unity of the Libertarian Left" thread.

    Caj suggested Herman Gorter as a Left Communist to read, and I agree strongly. His writing, Open Letter To Comrade Lenin, is an essential Left Communist text were Gorter refutes the thesis in Lenin's Left Wing Communism-An Infantile Disorder

    I put a link to the text, btw.
  2. Brosa Luxemburg
    I figured I would respond here about this as to not derail the other thread where this was brought up.

    Many here do not consider Chomsky a true revolutionary leftist because he has constantly argued very bourgeois points. For example, he argues that the October Revolution was a "coup" (something most anarchists don't even argue) argues against revolutionary violence, has argued very Kautskyian points, etc.
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