Conversation Between Mr. Natural and The Jay

  1. Mr. Natural
    Emmanuel, I appreciate your continuing interest. The book to read is the theoretical physicist Fritjof Capra's Web of Life, which masterfully brings systems-complexity science to Earth in highly readable language. Another such work that explores the organizational relations underlying the things of life and entertainingly centers on the amazing research and minds at the Santa Fe Institute is Roger Lewin's (he's a Pulitzer Prize winner in anthropology) Complexity: Life At the Edge of Chaos. I recently carefully re-read Web for the umpteenth time and Complexity for the sixth? go-around. These "easy" reads provide a thrilling mental workout that serves to keep my mind creatively open.
    But you're the boss, Emmanuel. All life self-organizes in community with others. It's your job to engage these works and conscientiously explore them. An open but critical mind is mandatory.
    My red-green best.
  2. The Jay
    I know that you sent me this info a while back but I would like to read again about what you describe as "new forms of organization". Could you send me some info?
  3. The Jay
    I've been very busy with classes myself. I'll check out that thread though.
  4. Mr. Natural
    Hey, Liquid State, I haven't seen you since you asked about re-starting the reading group. If it has begun, I missed the notice. However, I'm no longer interested, in that I have more than I can handle in the dialectics thread. I'm really working there.

    Looking forward to running into you around Revleft.
  5. The Jay
    Hello, Mr. Natural, how have you been?
  6. The Jay
    How's it going? I haven't had a computer for that last month(s) so that's why I couldn't run the group. I'm back and ready to go; though, it's a shame that several of the group members have been banned since my hiatus.
  7. The Jay
    I'll be posting the first reading as soon as the forum is back to 100% if you're still interested.
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