Conversation Between Red Dreadnought and robbo203

  1. Red Dreadnought
    Hi Robbo. Very interesting. I'll read your principles and i'll colaborate as possible. In fact, I know "Luxemburguista".

  2. robbo203
    Hi Red

    Well yes its basically just a kind of umbrella organisation to facilitate contact and interacion between different individuals, groups or trends within what we broadly term the revolutionary non-market anti-statist political sector. I think we have a guy from Spain - Luxemburgista - on the main forum who is similar in outlook to you (I think). He is quite acive and makes some interesting contributions. Im still at the "hablo poco espanol" but gradually getting there!
  3. Red Dreadnought
    Interesting your organization "A world in common". Te lo pongo en inglés para que lo entiienda la gente.

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