Conversation Between Post-Something and Rascolnikova

  1. Rascolnikova
    You don't have to like my avatar to be tactful, silly. :P
  2. Post-Something
    Ahh, I understand.
    I apologise if the comment was tactless then.
    Your new one is just as cool
  3. Rascolnikova
    Ok, so the old avatar is very beautiful. Just. . . at some point, one wants to stop representing one's self as crazy-victim-girl. That's all.
  4. Rascolnikova
    You may use it then, if you'd like.
  5. Post-Something
    I liked you old avatar..
  6. Post-Something
    Haven't seen you around latel- Wait, just second what Rorschach said
  7. Post-Something

    Thanks, that's really nice of you

    I'm really surprised I got in actually, and having looked at my thread, I'm a bit worried that people thought I was some sort of stalin apologist

    Anyway, yeah, don't worry about it, I'm way worse! How was your New Year by the way?
  8. Rascolnikova
    congratzes you!/I told you so.

    Also, sorry for being all flaky like in (not)responding to you. I will get there. . . someday. . .

    yeah, sorry.
  9. Post-Something

    In this thread, were you offering criticism of my post, or were you answering the OP's question? Because I don't think there is any contention between what I wrote and Beauvoirs' analysis. In fact, I think they are quite similiar, in that constant action is the definition of man.
  10. Rascolnikova
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10