Conversation Between Nolan and Red Future

  1. Red Future
  2. Hey, want to play Katanga? It's a forum government simulator in which you can play anything from a legislator to a revolutionary. If you join we'd really appreciate it. The thread's in OI, or pm Ismail to join.
  3. Red Future
    Cheers that was really helpful
  4. In Colombia there is the EPL. I have yet to find an English translation of this, but if you understand Castilian:

    The EPL is still fighting today.

    Venezuela's Red Flag Party conducted a guerrilla war against the government. Hugo Chavez was a part of an anti-guerrilla unit at that time. Ask Ismail for more info about them.

    For Brazil, contact Roach. I'm sure he has some info.
  5. Red Future
    Do you know much about the Hoxhaist armed struggle in South America?? ..Im trying to find out about them..Thanks
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