Conversation Between Patchd and F9

  1. Patchd
    Oh brilliant! Cheers mate! Haha, and you're right, if I do get that as a tattoo it wouldn't be great if it turned out to be wrong :P
  2. F9
    I dont know how to say it, copy this : Patrida mas oli gi on a youtupe comment and do audio preview, the pronounce is almost perfectly exact the same!
    I saw you are up to do it a tattoo, it would be bad having in a tattoo something wrong
  3. Patchd
    Oh cheers mate Nice one! How is that pronounced?
  4. F9
    Mate i see you are using as a custom title something in greek, however you probably dont know the language(am i right) because even if it has its meaning its not particularly "perfect".If you wanted to write Our home-country is the whole earth, then the "right" is Πατρίδα μας όλη η Γη

  5. Patchd
    Nice one, cheers mate
  6. F9
    Welcome in CC
  7. Patchd
    lol, cheers mate
    ...I'm knackered
  8. F9
    happy birthday
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