Conversation Between Rational Radical and The Garbage Disposal Unit

  1. Rational Radical
    Readings with a class analysis of white supremacy and patriarchy/LGBT issues
  2. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    1. A trip to Memphis? That sounds rad. I'm excited to hear what you come back from it with in terms of ideas, inspiration, etc.
    2. Yeah, I totally appreciate Ervin's super straight forward style. I really like his comments on "Refusing the syndicalist v. primitivist debate" as a hilarious no-fucks-given to theoretical cock-size contests.
    3. In terms of recommended reads, what themes are you looking for? I'm in the process of putting together a small distro - maybe you can give me some pointed questions and it will help me figure out what I need to stock.
  3. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    Hey! I have questions for you and want to reply but am hella busy - new 9-5 dishwashing job, etc. Next couple days, though!
  4. Rational Radical
    So I've joined the Black Autonomy Federation and will be attending their "Let's Organize The Hood:Youth & Hip-Hop convention" and with the help of a brother open up a local chapter in New York,just thought I'd update ya. "Anarchism and the Black Revolution" is such an informative,thought provoking, clear and concise read,not to academic but not condescendingly simplistic,perfect. IMO most of he socialist texts should be written in this manner, it probably would be much more easier to spread anti-capitalist ideas and propaganda. As you know I fucks with your politics and they've greatly shaped mine,if you don't mind,I'd like some suggested reading.
  5. Rational Radical
    Exactly,I mean it's not like I necessarily support class collaboration I just detest the hell colonial workers face by imperalialist countries and I support liberatory autonomous methods of people fighting for their livelihood,this doesn't equate to me supporting a Gaddafhi or Assad but the left would like to make it seem that way. And yeah I'm trying to find a chapter of the BAF near me
  6. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    It just seems like such a bizarre blindspot some times. It's like, you get gender, you get race, etc., and yet when a body constitutes itself nationally - ie in such a way as to actually confront imperial/colonial power - the left gets freaked the fuck out. At the same time, you look at the thread, nobody will actually come out and say: "Fuck the BPP" or "Fuck Palestine" or "Fuck Oka" or whatever, because that's known to be un-PC. It's like, come out and say it, or step back and reassess!
  7. Rational Radical
    Lol yeah and I've been following you on here for a while and I must say you've definitely helped my political development,you understand the different levels of domination the working class faces around the world without supporting state capitalist regimes and I feel more anarchists/communists should take this position. I think both those who deem themselves internationalists and stalinists really needs to read CLR James and Frantz Fanon again.
  8. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    I'm not particularly familiar, but it seems, to me, to have very appealing politics. I've generally liked Lorenzo Ervin's writing. I take it this is vis-a-vis the Nationalism thread?
  9. Rational Radical
    What are your thoughts on the Black Autonomy Federation ?
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