Conversation Between Ismail and Rafiq

  1. Ismail
    I know of it. Those people can believe what they'd like. The fact is that there's more than a few sources to demonstrate that Beria not only was a reactionary, but even had a hand in Stalin's murder.
  2. Rafiq
    You may want to see the user group "Beria was a good communist"
  3. Ismail
    No, he wasn't. Hoxha had a high opinion of Molotov and noted that the Central Committee of the PLA expected him to succeed Stalin, but obviously that didn't happen.

    Some "Stalinists" have a high opinion of Beria (e.g. Grover Furr, Bill Bland), some do not (Ludo Martens for instance.)
  4. Rafiq
    But I thought he was a "good communist"?
  5. Ismail
    Beria was a reactionary and intriguer, as Hoxha noted.
  6. Rafiq
    So I was in the thread regarding Stalin's rape apologia.. And I was ever so curious as to what you'd make of the fact that your hero Beria was a pedophile and a rapist. I was just curious as to how you'd justify this one... Can you?
  7. Ismail
    I don't have any off the top of my head.
  8. Rafiq
    Greetings, Ismail. I was wondering if you could provide me with some statistics regarding the Soviet economy under Stalin, however Khrushchev and others would be fine as well. You see I am currently in a feud with a friend of mine and although I'm not a Stalinist at all, it's necessary to give him a glimpse that the Soviet economy was negatively exaggerated.
  9. Ismail
    It's Felix Chuev who was on good terms with Molotov and Kaganovich, and who, although not a great Marxist-Leninist, was critical of the post-1956 view of Stalin, and even got in trouble for praising Stalin in the 1960's and onwards. Chuev wrote both Molotov Remembers and (the Russian-language only) Thus Spake Kaganovich.
  10. Rafiq
    Just so you know, I might not like the guy (Don't know who he is) but the person in your profile picture looks like a badass.
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