Conversation Between StromboliFucker666 and Cliff Paul

  1. Cliff Paul
    return of the potatoes?
  2. StromboliFucker666
    Shhh! We're not supposed to talk about this here! What goes on in Interwar Albania, stays in Interwar Albania!
  3. Cliff Paul
    exactly why you shall remain in prison
  4. StromboliFucker666
    I stole your previous profile pic, hope you don't mind
  5. StromboliFucker666
    Thank you, that makes sense.
  6. Cliff Paul
    I'm not religious. I was raised Roman Catholic though so its traditions interest me. Also nihilist communism refers to this
  7. StromboliFucker666
    How are you both religious and nihilist? Don't religious people believe in an objective morality while nihilists reject that concept?
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