Conversation Between Consistent.Surprise and synthesis

  1. Consistent.Surprise
    I have a decade on you! Jesus fucking Christ I feel old
  2. synthesis
    I guess I would've been 8 when it ended. (Three years younger than it says in my profile.) Bloom County was a little over my head at that time, lol.
  3. Consistent.Surprise
    I was a teen by then. Bloom County was big for me as well.
  4. synthesis
    Man, I was super sad as a kid when that last strip was printed. "It's a big world, Hobbes ol' buddy... let's go exploring!"
  5. Consistent.Surprise
    I remember Calvin & Hobbes printed in the paper. I had calendars as well. The UFO thread made it pop into my head & I took advantage. Bwahaha!
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