Conversation Between Sasha and Holden Caulfield

  1. I dont wanna be a back seat driver but the texts sticky man, you killed my pattern.
  2. you wanna edit this into the antifa texts sticky.
  3. Sasha
    seems like it...,
  4. are you gonna be my replacement?
  5. I sent you a sneaky rep comment. I wanted to neg rep you but its christmas and I'm a nice guy
  6. I love threads on coppers, paedos and punishment, gives me a chance to be a hate figure for espousing 'common sense' 'daily mail-esque' views
  7. i posted in that thread, ignore my PM
  8. strip lights or summit, i dont know about fucking light fittings!
    all i know about is how to boogie...
  9. Sasha
    tl tubes are the long office lights, euh, they are not called like that in english? euhm these things, what are they called?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18