Conversation Between Ol' Dirty and ellipsis

  1. I know how that goes, at any given time i probaly have 2-3 half finished post. Your dead line is next friday. You don't have to have a full article but just expand upon what you already have and try to incorporate specific concepts and theories as
    well as any relevant historical examples for context.
    Look forward to seeing what you got.
  2. Ol' Dirty
    If you gave me a date, I'd do it for then. It has to be a specific date, or I'll procrastinate, and you'll never get the rest of the article.

    If you gave me a week or so, I could get that up for you.

    Better yet, make me a long-term schedule. I work alright that way.
  3. When can I expect the next installment. I would like something to post with the intro for the first post. What you have is good so far.
  4. Ol' Dirty
    I agree with tipnup
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