Conversation Between MarxArchist and #FF0000

  1. #FF0000
    I've got a handle on the basics I'd say. I criticize what I don't like and defend what I do. I find other people are better at making the points I want to make is all.
  2. MarxArchist
    "I don't intend to get myself wrapped up in discussions about feminism as much as I do either. i don't even really self-identify as a feminist." Well at the least we should support the goals of feminism and at the least you should read up on the basics if you're goingto defend or criticize any specific theory or tactic. Overall blind blanket support or opposition to any liberation movement, I think, isn't the basis of materialism. More along the lines of idealism.
  3. #FF0000
    yeah i know what you mean. I don't intend to get myself wrapped up in discussions about feminism as much as I do either. i don't even really self-identify as a feminist.
  4. MarxArchist
    Ya well, new here. It's not exactly my goal to focus on RadFem theory as the antichrist.
  5. #FF0000
    nah i wouldn't say that
  6. MarxArchist
    I suppose I'm becoming the bogyman?
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