Conversation Between ThesisQuasar and Asero

  1. Asero
    PART 9
    Capitalist society is defined by market competition with its insuing capital accumulation and commodity fetishism, private property, the ownership of the means of production by the bourgeoisie, the bourgeois state to guerintee class hegemony.

    I've got more to write, but it's getting late, and I have stuff to do.
  2. Asero
    PART 8
    To reiterate, the primary enemy of labor is capital, for capital’s interests is in direct contradiction to the interests of the labor. In order to accumulate capital for reinvestment, profits must be maximized, therefore the workers work environment must be as cheap as possible, he must work as hard as he can, and the worker must be payed the least amount possible, and so on.
  3. Asero
    PART 7
    Commodities, in order to survive capitalist competition, must create of themselves an illusion to trump over competing commodities. This is defined as Commodity Fetishism.
  4. Asero
    PART 6
    Under capitalist society, it not like previous epochs, were only a portion of what is produced becomes a commidity. Under Capitalism, everything becomes a commodity, including the worker himself. It is not just that the individual bourgeois exploits individual proletarians, but the entierity of bourgeois society exploits the proletariat. Exploitation is defined by an unequal forced unfair deal where one sides is taken advantage of over the other. Under marxist economics, the intrinsic value of a commodity is derived from socially-neccessary labor. Because the bourgeoisie extracts the majority of the surplus-value, wages by their very definition is exploitation. But the whole reason why many bourgeois do so is for the accumulation of capital and the ensuing revolutionization of instruments of production and the continual fetishication of commodities, if they do not, they risk monetary death at the hands of their market competetors.
  5. Asero
    PART 4
    Under bourgeois society, there exists cultural and administrational instutions that exist to reinforce both the dominant ideology and class hegemony, called the “dictartorship of the bourgeoisie.” The proletarian revolution exists to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat, where the proletariat does away with all that define class society, by setting up institution that make the death of class inevitable.
  6. Asero
    PART 3
    Within Capitalism, there exists the market. From this market of exchange is competition. Within market competion, capitalists wager their entire livelyhood, and so not to be overturned by their competetors, the capitalists must constantly revolutionize the instruments of production. Because of this, under capitalist society exists two fundamental features: commodity production (the creation of objects or services with the express purpose to be bought and sold with a a number of a certain dominant commodity, money) and capital accumulation. Within capitalist society capital must, by all means, accumulate no matter what.
  7. Asero
    PART 2
    Though there were many changes in class structure throughout history, and current society has more than these two classes, under current class society, there exists, defined by their relationship to production, two major classes: the proletariat or the industrial working class who recieve but a fraction of the fruits of their labor through wages, and the bourgeois, the capitalist class, who, inderectly via large portions of stocks in associated organizations of the management of capital (who control the means of production) or directly via direct ownership of the means of production.
  8. Asero
    PART 1
    Class society was borne from the necessity of an unequal devision of labor around the time of the agricultural revolution. The state was born out of the irreconcialibility of the inherent social antagonism within class society. (the interests of the ruling class in cotradiction to the interests of workers necessitated the creation of bodies of armed men to protect the right to rule of the ruling class)
  9. Asero
    To start from the beginning...
  10. Asero
    4995 here! Nice to meet you!
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