Conversation Between Domela Nieuwenhuis and BIXX

  1. Domela Nieuwenhuis
    Was totally me
  2. BIXX
    finally realized the problem-the fb app wasn't telling me you sent a request. I accpted your request (assuming it was actually you).
  3. BIXX
    I'm still not getting it... That's weird. PM me your Facebook?
  4. Domela Nieuwenhuis
  5. BIXX
    Yeah I don't think I got it.
  6. Domela Nieuwenhuis
    I sent you a request. Should i make another one?
  7. BIXX
    I would like to, have you sent me a request or should I find you?
  8. Domela Nieuwenhuis
    Wanna add me on FB? (i tried to )
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8