Conversation Between Volcanicity and El Chuncho

  1. El Chuncho
    Yes, I am not sure why it would be reactionary to care about wildlife and enjoy the countryside. Those hipsters seem to think that any form of conservation is synonymous with conservatism (despite the fact that conservatives have always paved over the countryside. I should know, I like in the country) and the fact that more factories are not being built is un-progressive. Since when did we have to build factories in places where they are not needed? That is not progressive. And those hipsters are just on an ego trip as you say.

    And I agree with you about John Clare. Though he was too content with his social position (not uncommon at the time), he was a hard worker and a great poet and thus he struggled harder than many of the more celebrated poets of his day, who were usually born wealthy.
  2. Volcanicity
    I agree with you about the needless desecration of the countryside I've also never understood why it's sometimes seen as reactionary to care about and enjoy the wildlife and countryside.
    It's one of the things that tipped John Clare over the edge and eventually into insanity when the old rural way of life and being free to roam was done away with the coming of the the land enclosures.One of the thing's I've alway's liked about Clare was he was first and formost a hard worker who lived a hard,poor life who just happened to love and write poetry rather than being a scholar.

    Concerning the "hipsters" that plague this site I'm sure most are in it just for the rep to boost their ego's rather than being here for political purposes.
  3. El Chuncho
    Ah, John Clare, I am very familiar with his poetry and I enjoy his incorporation of the Northamptonshire dialect into his poetry. Though I do not agree with him politically, per se, I do agree with his love and interest in nature; and I have never thought that liking the fact we have a countryside (where I live) and not want factories needlessly set up on every field and hill, is reactionary, just as I have never thought that liking animals is. I also liked his later poems which were similar to folk ballads.

    I do not understand why they feel the need to do that, either, but I have noticed that many anarchists (though not all), are just young ''hipsters'' who are into leftist politics for the image rather than for sincere reasons, so I guess it is unsurprising. I am sure that at least one comment suggesting that MLs should be banned is made every five minutes. Funny that they talk of individuality, autonomy and anti-oppression yet are more ban-happy than ML I have ever encountered.
  4. Volcanicity
    Yeah I've been to a few green man festivals myself down the year's, sadly I have'nt had the time or money to go to one lately.There's quite a lively folk scene where I'm from and I got the chance to listen to some early recordings of local folk songs a few years ago some of them were actually quite poignant you could tell that they were very much written and sung straight from the heart.It's definitely an art form that's underrated on the left.
    The English "peasant poet"John Clare is someone who's work I like he wrote some great stuff.

    I really don't understand why some people on here resort to using petty name-calling and having personal vendettas, Rafiq was way out of line with what he said.

    I find it ironic that some of the non M-L's here who throw around the false term "Stalinists" and banging on about how Stalin was a dictator and how evil the GULAG's were are always calling for us to be banned.
  5. El Chuncho
    I like English folklore and festivals too. In fact, it is not uncommon to see green men during May Day. I consider standing in as a green man during May Day once, but the character suits taller people better I think. Folklore and folk song are some of the earlier expression of the peasants and workers, you have songs about poaching (exposing the hypocrisy of the dominate classes love for blood sport, and the fact that you could be punished severely for hunting for food if you were a ''peasant'') and all manner of anti-aristocratic statements.

    It is a shame that many of the non-ML trolls are allowed to remain. Rafiq only got a warning for a very disgraceful heightist thread in which he even called me a dwarf. I hope he gets what he deserves soon.
  6. Volcanicity
    Thank's comrade,I do have a liking for Green Man imagery and english folklore in general.
    I didn't realise that guy was still here he does'nt seem to have posted a lot since that Stalin bus thread.He must have burnt himself out.
  7. El Chuncho
    Nice green man avvy, comrade! Hmm, I see that troll wasn't banned afterall...
  8. Volcanicity
    Yeah I see his/her trolling mission coming to an end soon they've lasted longer than I thought they would.
  9. El Chuncho
    Hey, do you reckon that troll in the bus thread will get banned? He seems to be just interested in trolling threads.
  10. Volcanicity
    Yeah Yeah, that's what they all say .
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