Conversation Between red cat and Cleansing Conspiratorial Revolutionary Flame

  1. Thank you. What you suggest is a very good idea, but I personally think that it won't work until a whole city or a large group of villages is selected for this purpose. Also, the socialist state implementing this should have a surplus of resources so that it can make up for multiple failures in such experimentation. So there is no chance of implementation of your plan until a revolution led by communists defeats the ruling classes in a very large area; the whole of South Asia, for example.
  2. In fact, I myself sympathize with South Asian Revolutionaries in their struggles in several areas.
  3. A good comparison is that: The Socialist State will be a People's Sparta that is less brutal, humanitarian and a representation of a Working Model of Democratic Socialism.
    Where as the Communist Phase is simply the People's Athens.

    One protects the other and both benefit.
  4. Basically it serves as the defensive part of the Revolution.
    The Second: While this exists at the same time, Anarchist Principles are to be taken into matter with the foundation of SCEZ (Special Communist Economic Zones) where Communist conditions are to be created and the newly founded Communist Societies are to remain autonomous from the Socialist Republic on the majority of matters, with an exception of Militia training or any other essential matter. The SCEZ's upon International Revolution however are to easily be allowed to simply take the entire society and convert it towards Communism, as Communism had already been existent inside of the SCEZ's.

    I generally feel that Maoism, Marxist-Leninism and any other similar ideology can play a role in the Socialist phase so as long as they don't seek to subjugate leadership and they allow for each other to have their own representatives and respect a potential Socialist Constitution.
  5. 1.) As shown by the theories of the group that I created and other postings about SCEZ's (Special Communist Economic Zones.) The Revolution is to be organized in two phases.

    The First: Will be through a Vanguardist Movement (Leninist Structured) that is to carry out a Socialist Revolution and empower the Workers to take control over the means of production, afterward, the Socialist State that is declared will become a Constitutional Socialist Republic only existing on the basis of the Working Class, declaring Democratic Centralism within the Socialist State and ensuring that through the Socialist Constitution upheld by the Working Class that-- The Socialist Republic will not face certain issues that were faced in the past through the subjugation of leadership. (Whether or not if it was good or worse economically) This will serve as the defacto representative leadership of the Socialist Society and will serve International Means, ETC.
  6. Hope you find this forum useful

    What are your ideas about communism or organizing revolution?
  7. Thanks for the welcome.
  8. Nice to know that. By the way, welcome to RevLeft
  9. I second your views in the thread with RED DAVE regarding Sectarianism.
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