Conversation Between Devrim and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Please provide cover for "anarchists" who attacked KKE and PAME demonstrators:
  2. Devrim
    DNZ "You should quit the outright lying and twisting of my words about handing anarchists over to the police. Anarchists can be divided into utopians, lifestylists, hooligans, insurrectionists, syndicalists, and political class-strugglists. The context was the KKE's handling of anarcho-hooligans who tried to hamper the party's activity."

    I don't accept your divisions of anarchists. Nor do I care about your bleatings about the context. In my opinion people who advocate the turning over of anarchists to the police, whatever their analysis of their politics are touts, and are beneath contempt.

  3. Die Neue Zeit
    You should quit the outright lying and twisting of my words about handing anarchists over to the police. Anarchists can be divided into utopians, lifestylists, hooligans, insurrectionists, syndicalists, and political class-strugglists. The context was the KKE's handling of anarcho-hooligans who tried to hamper the party's activity.
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    On the German Revolution, if you're interested:
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    I've got a question for you that I hope you don't mind answering:
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Dev, you might find this thread of interest to you, the EKS (if it's still in existence), and the ICC:
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    Hi! Dev, I need more help on Bordiga (since the Left-Communist forum is quiet as a whistle): any specific texts where he recommends an international party proper?
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