Conversation Between Black Sheep and Charles Xavier

  1. Young Communist League. Its a self-organized youth league who is tied to our party of youth interested in communism.
  2. Ycl *
  3. Hey, who are the YLC?
  4. Yeah, we have even attracted the attention of the Pentagon!
    With stuff like 'that cpg is very extremist' and stuff
  5. Oh cool. The Greek Communist Party rocks!
  6. Comrade, i am not canadian, i m greek
  7. No we arent a revisionist party, we are the party that Tim Buck built. Upholding a Marxist-Leninist line and the second oldest party in Canada.
  8. What's up?
    Can you give me some quick info about the CP of Canada?
    I thought it was revisionist.
  9. lol
    Do you have a negative rep record?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9