Conversation Between The Ungovernable Farce and Old Man Diogenes

  1. Old Man Diogenes
    Thanks man, no I'd never heard of them, I shall look into it
  2. Have you heard of the Pleasley Hill People's Network? They seem like a good initiative in your area, I think there's at least one anarchist involved with the group.
  3. Old Man Diogenes
    I've never met another anarchist in Mansfield as of yet.
  4. Ah, right. No need to apologise. Do you know anyone who's joined recently? Cos there's definitely someone who's just joined in Mansfield, so even if you're not interested in joining (which is totally fair enough) I'd think it'd still be worthwhile to do some kind of activity together. Obv, if you already know each other, then my advice is a bit irrelevant.
  5. Old Man Diogenes
    Nah sorry man, still haven't joined yet.
  6. Is it you who just joined the AF? I previously asked this to RedAnarchist cos I'm an eejit and got your names mixed up, but I'm pretty sure it was you I meant to ask.
  7. Old Man Diogenes
    Ah, thanks for the link.
  8. Really? Well, I doubt there's much going on in Mansfield itself, but Nottingham's meant to have a fair amount of stuff - there's the Sumac Centre, No Borders and anti-arms trade groups, and the mighty AF itself. See:
  9. Old Man Diogenes
    No, I didn't know there were any Anarchist groups round here.
  10. Yo, you in touch with the Notts AF crew?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10