Conversation Between El Chuncho and Lenina Rosenweg

  1. El Chuncho
    Ah, I'll have to check that book out as it covers the same events. A very interesting period of history and some of the most important events of the 20th century, a very important decade in itself.
  2. Lenina Rosenweg
    Thanks for the docudrama recommendation. I will definitely look for it. There is a book,
    The Eagles Fall" I think by John Fawkes, about the collapse of empires post WWI.
  3. El Chuncho
    You are welcome comrade. Though not a book, you might want to check out 'Fall of Eagles', a docudrama series about the fall of most the empires in Europe (who all had eagles as emblems). It is mostly accurate, unbiased and does a good job of humanizing most of the characters. The first episodes are interesting, mostly about Prussia and Austria, but the latter episodes are even more so, being mostly about Russia and the revolution, and covers most things from the Tsar's naivety and stupid idea that his people love him, the Tsarina's influence on the Tsar, the charlatans' influence on the Tsarina, the decadence of the aristocracy, the success and failure of Kerensky, the well-meaning Gapon and his vanity and greed, and of course the struggle of the Bolsheviks and the activities of Lenin, Trotsky and others. It does a good job of portraying many of the ''teams'' in Russia at the time in a very non-partisan way.
  4. Lenina Rosenweg
    Thanks comrade, sounds interesting, I do appreciate it.
  5. El Chuncho
    There is a hardback history book called 'Revolution', it is a little biased against many communist leaders but is generally rather neutral and has a good chronology of key events in revolutionary history throughout the book, as well as a look of good images from the periods the revolutions took place in.

    I'll look for more history books that might interest you.
  6. El Chuncho
    Maybe you have been asked before, but what do you teach? :-)
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