Conversation Between bcbm and The Feral Underclass

  1. bcbm
    ah yes a classic
  2. "Tree hugging salmon fucker." It made me chuckle.

    I'm easily amused.
  3. bcbm
    what makes u say that
  4. You're funny.
  5. bcbm
    i was well on my way then i fell asleep on the couch but now i have more beer so i am working back towards the top
  6. I am so drunk I don't even know any more.
  7. What is it with you and 90's movies.
  8. bcbm
    that does sound more like you
  9. I prefer: "Anarchism and the national liberation struggle"
  10. bcbm
    yeah only name yourself after bonanno pamphlets. i suggest 'apart from the obvious exceptions'
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 158
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