Conversation Between theAnarch and ¿Que?

  1. ¿Que?
    I don't think it's a bad idea at all. I particularly appreciate the idea that communes should be opaque to the capitalist world as one review I read on suggests. Said review can be found here:
  2. what do you think about the idea of forming communes like the book said.
  3. ¿Que?
    Ah, well I just joined a union, but they haven't pissed me off yet, even though I know they're endorsing reformist candidates and such...I'll tolerate them until they pull some bullshit. It's hard hard living in Texas where unions have basically no power whatsoever.
  4. The Coming insurrection has been a real call to organization for trying to organize to take power from the Union buisnesscrats in are local.
  5. ¿Que?
    I'm from Tejas. Nice place, too right wing though. :/
  6. what part of the south are you from?
  7. ¿Que?
    I really like how at certain points the personal is in fact political, so to speak. How our relationships with people and how our politics are deeply intertwined but never certain, always in flux, ambiguous, and uncertain. It takes a deep understanding between people to build any kind of viable alternative to the capitalist system...
  8. I just read it...what did you think?
  9. ¿Que?
    I sure did, last summer.
  10. so you read the coming insurrection
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