Conversation Between Winter and Brother No. 1

  1. Brother No. 1
    He'd support the occupation of any nation by Israel.
  2. Winter
    Wow. That's completely anti-socialist! So now occupation is good because the victims of a tragedy need a homeland? "So hey, let's make these Palestinians the new victims!" That sucks.
  3. Brother No. 1 here but i think you might have to join the Anti-Zionists group to see it.
  4. Winter
    The owner is a Zionist? Is there a certain thread where this is exposed?
  5. Brother No. 1
    Well CC is banned, everyone now knows that the owner is a Zionist, Admins are in control,etc. Other then that everything is normal and we're still 'stalinists' to those Trotskyites and such.
  6. Winter
    Thanks, Seems to me that things are quite the same...
  7. Brother No. 1
    Welcome back, things have gotten to worse shit over here.
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