Conversation Between Fruit of Ulysses and Yuppie Grinder

  1. I read an essay on death by Adorno that was very Hegelian, I didn't understand a lot of the rhetoric. I'm busy reading some other shit now, but I will get on Hegel soon.
  2. Fruit of Ulysses
    haha i didnt even realised you had smoking mad blunts as a political statement until after i posted that!
  3. Fruit of Ulysses
    Hegel isn't as "impenetrable" as everyone says dude, just don't get discouraged! but getting into Adorno too soon might be a lil confusing. After smoking a blunt and just digging deep into it I have a fucking ball with Hegel, and once youve actually finished one of his works you can join an exclusive club (which as a left communist might not interest you, but as a Maoist I like it lol)
  4. id ig it
  5. Fruit of Ulysses
    in retrospect the voice samples are kinda lame but when ur in the mood they fit, and when it jams its fucken jammen
  6. Fruit of Ulysses

    dont mean to inundate you but i just discovered this song and it totally sends chills down my spine and makes me think of stuff i dont wanna think about from high school but makes me really happy at the same time. lol
  7. Bru that is one of my favorite songs of all time.
  8. Fruit of Ulysses
  9. Fruit of Ulysses
    i dig them now! listening to lunar weight this very moment, and adjust the picture by ikatowi is bomb. i knew heroin though
  10. We definantly have pretty similar taste in music. You dig Heroin, Clickitat Ikatowi, or the VSS?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14