Conversation Between Nachie and The Feral Underclass

  1. o WHARD?
  2. Already find you.
  3. i dunno, just like search for me or something. i'm on there and shit. profile picture is of me as a little kid, dressed as a pirate
  4. So. How do we become facebook buds?
  5. only if you're not terrified to learn that i am in fact a filthy primitivist who only wears buckskin chaps
  6. You wonna be apart of my book of faces...?
  7. why yes, i'm afraid i do.
  8. Do you Facebook?
  9. tell you to go hug a tree, duh.
  10. What would you do about my hypertension medication?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14