Conversation Between El Chuncho and palotin

  1. El Chuncho
    Sorry for this (ions) late reply. Yes I have heard of 'le Vent d'est', but it is a very rare film to find. It is not available on DVD but might have been released on bootleg VHS or maybe official VHS outside of the US and the UK. I might ask other members of Europwestern club to see if I can track it down.

    As for 'Face to Face'. That is one of my favourite films and it has a great soundtrack too.
  2. palotin
    Chuncho. You must have some knowledge of spaghetti westerns in general. I just heard about this French Eurowestern from around 1970 called 'Vent d'est'. Volante stars and the directorial collective included Godard. It's supposed to be fully communist. Naturally, given how much I want to see it, copies are not forthcoming. Have you heard of it? Have you seen it? Do you know of any amazingly well informed cinephiles who might have some leads on it? Be well. Just watched Solima's Face to Face with Volante and Tomas Milian. It's a parable for the rise of fascism and highly entertaining to boot.
  3. El Chuncho
    It is a great and very revolutionary film! Gian Maria Volonte was also kicked out of the Italian Communist party for being too radical! :-D
  4. palotin
    I love your name and the Gian Maria Volonte picture. Bullet for the General is one of my favorite movies of all time.
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