Conversation Between Forward Union and Manifesto

  1. Forward Union
    Syndicalism is a less well defined term even than Anarchist. I would say I am an Anarchist, a Communist, and a Socialist. But in practice I think the primary task of all left wing tendencies is to rebuild and democratise unions. They are the only bodies capable of reversing the immediate situation in Britain. Then political factions will become somewhat more relevent, though the landscape will be very different to before.

    So I'm nto quite the person to ask about orthodox syndicalism. I know that in some of it's most basic forms, it is simply worker run capitalism, whilst you also hav concepts such as Anarcho-Syndicalism and Fascism at different polar ends of the 'Syndicalist Scale'
  2. Manifesto
    Cool thanks for the invite! Might as well ask a major question for Syndicalism. I know you want to abolish the wage system but not the monetary so how can any monetary system work?
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