Conversation Between pax et aequalitas and vagrantmoralist

  1. pax et aequalitas
    Hailings! After thoroughly consulting my pineal gland I've come to the decision to indeed jump in that group of your popeness, though it had to wait till after tea. My mother always told me "Son, never join groups on the internet before tea, that is dangerous" ... or maybe it was my uncle and I am not really sure if it was about groups on the internet either come to think of it... but I try to follow his or her advice at the best of my ability of course!
  2. vagrantmoralist
    Hail, Pope Pax! There is now a group for those of Us who stand in the Middle of Crowded Streets and Act like Turkeys to Banish to Grey-Face's Hated Visage. (By which I mean Turkey the Delicious Edible Bird, and not Turkey the Country, as Personifying a Country into A Thirty-Second Dance is a bit more difficult Task than going Gobble-Gobble.) Also, feel free to join even if you do not Gobble-Gobble, for Who Am I to say? (Aside from being A Pope and if I may brag, The Fifth Panhellenic Demi-God of Atraxes, Vagrantius the Sainted Bum.)
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