Conversation Between Geiseric and Remus Bleys

  1. Remus Bleys
    i did. by your definition, lenin was ultraleft!
  2. Geiseric
    It's a situational thing. If you want a good definition read what Lenin said about it in his book specifically about ultra leftism because I'm done arguing with you.
  3. Remus Bleys
    Did you come up with a better definition of what you deem ultra left?
  4. Geiseric
    It's more of an attitude among socialists than an actual political ideology.
  5. Remus Bleys
    this seems like a silly definition of ultraleft.
  6. Geiseric
    If you're doing the work to build the infrastructure for revolution, you are not ultra left. If you reject that long process due to impatience you may take ultra left stances unconsciously.
  7. Geiseric
    Sorry I misread. A person whose politics are consistently examined to see how many people can be mobilized as long as a praxis is maintained is not an ultra left. If your aim is to mobilize the working class by political organizing, for goals which the working class is willing to fight for really.
  8. Remus Bleys
    way to not answer
  9. Geiseric
    Ultra leftism is a normal thing that young communists often find themselves in. It's basically using subjective reasoning to "push" the revolutionary movement. It is usually embodied in empty slogans and sweeping generalizations. For example there may be striking workers whose struggle is abandoned by communists due to the obviously reactionary views of the union leadership. It's very similar to "blanquism". The sparts are perfect examples, as is third period Stalinism which was solely responsible for the disintegration of the German communist movement and the rise of fascism. Ultra leftism is the result of realizing you are isolated, and need to over compensate with fancy phrases like GENERAL STRIKE NOW, after you realized you fucked up by abandoning those striking workers.
  10. Remus Bleys
    so what wouldnt you deride as being ultraleft?

    im being serious, is there a consistency to which you apply this annoying and childish slur?
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