Conversation Between Geiseric and Remus Bleys

  1. Geiseric
    Great, I managed to learn something about grammar today.
  2. Geiseric
    It's about tactics, socialists can run in whatever they want as long as they maintain their militant opposition to capitalism. I don't even see why that is your main criticism.
  3. Remus Bleys
    You know the fSU describes modern day countries - that is uzbekistan, russia, kazakhstan, ukraine etc - not the Soviet Union itself. God, for all you love to masturbate about your favorite Degenerated State, you don't even know that? Really geis? Why do you act like an expert if you don't know the simplest of facts?
  4. Remus Bleys
    Yes you fucking idiot, thats exactly what I said! Very well too, according to you, the bolsheviks were just another social democratic party. Jesus christ geiseric, you are a special kind of frustrating idiocy.
  5. Geiseric
    Lol yeah the KPD with the Nazis the whole time. Sorry i forgot about that.
  6. Remus Bleys
    What the fuck does that have to do with supporting some social democratic pan leftists run for office?
    KPD collaborated with nazis. Do you supported that, too?
  7. Geiseric
    Sorry i meant the constituent assembly. Also Russia didn't have a parliament. Also the KPD ran in the Reichstag.
  8. Geiseric
    You know the Bolsheviks ran in the duma right?
  9. Remus Bleys
    well like according to you anyone who doesn't unconditionally and in all cases support some social democratic party's election to parliament is ultra left.
  10. Geiseric
    Humor me, how was he ultra left?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 33